Dartmouth ITC

UIUX Design

Group Project

Role : Lead UIUX Designer

Tool : Figma

Timeline : 10 weeks (June 2023 - August 2023)

Project Background & Overview

Dartmouth students have grappled with the course election process for quite some time, often expressing feelings of anxiety and disappointment as a result. This ordeal typically involves extensive research to initially select three courses, only for most students to ultimately find themselves unable to secure a spot in these classes. This initial hurdle is followed by a frantic add-drop session, compounding the mental strain of the process. Furthermore, the existing interface for course registration is outdated and cluttered with information that many students deem irrelevant.
In response to these challenges, this term, our DALI team undertook the task of designing a brand new course registration interface and overall experience for the Institute for Teaching and Learning at Dartmouth (ITC). Our primary objective was to transform this process into one that is not just efficient but also enjoyable and fulfilling. Our aspiration is to inspire students to embrace and appreciate the rich diversity of courses offered at Dartmouth, encouraging them to explore the array of opportunities available instead of succumbing to overwhelm in the rush to secure class placements.

UX Research

📍 Challenges

  • One notable issue is the small font size, particularly when navigating the course listings on the left-hand side. It demands careful attention from users.
  • The "Sort by department" filter feature seems to be present but hasn't been very intuitive or effective.
  • Crosslisted courses, often inundating the interface with multiple department labels (e.g., Chemistry). This can be confusing for users who may not fully comprehend the significance of crosslisting.
  • There's a sentiment that some information, such as term numbers and other perplexing numerical data, may be unnecessary. If these data points are vital, there should be clear explanations provided.
  • Many users express a desire for greater flexibility in presets and filters. Currently, it feels somewhat cumbersome, as you need to navigate back to make changes. It would be more user-friendly if adjustments could be made directly while reviewing the options.

Style Guide



Finalized Hi-Fidelity


AirPremia In-Flight Screen Redesign


A Real Time Note Website